quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012

Trees and fruits

To teach vocabulary related with this theme I used (once more) the Family Frog-they have to eat, right?! And guess what, they only eat healthy food so they eat lots of fruit and one candy once a week(LOL). But the fruit comes from...yes, the trees-let's do a tree with fruit craft! All you need is a roll paper, green construction paper and some crayons.

3D House

House it´s a a boring theme for the students. They already know the rooms and objects os the house. So this year we did the vocabulary revision and then we buitl a house but a 3D house. Was easy, fun and the houses came out gorgeous :) They made beaches, country or city houses without asking-so more vocabulary :))))))

FOOD- My favourite...

Pizza or hamburguer...

Family - frogs and Simpsons 1st and 2nd grades

For the little ones, family was approach with one of my favorites stories-The Frog Family-a classic! This story is really great to teach family and actions. It is easy fot he children memorize and next think you know they are telling YOU the story!

I also used other family-The Simpsons- with flashcards they memorize the words related with family and they finished with a family portrait of the yellow family!

Family a Fun topic 3rd and 4th grades

This year Family had different "version". It´s always a difficult theme to talk with the children so why not talk about other kind of families? ROBOTs also have a family! It was a theme full of fun and learning. We did a family tree to revise the vocabulary and then the students built robots with recycled materials. Each robot was a member of a big family ;)

Potato Head cards

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Body activities 3rd and 4th grades

We dedicated this theme to Mr and Miss Potato head and MONSTERS! Yes, they love monsters so I like to include them on classes.

The students learn the Potato Head rhyme and palyed the game. The they played a game "Who is who?" using potatoes heads. They have chose one of the cards and describe it to the colleagues.

Body 3rd and 4th grades

It was one of the most difficult activities but one of the most fun-a picture dictation. I read the description of Trevor Troll (Primary Reading Box, Cambridge) and the children had to draw a troll! I'll show you the results and the "real troll".